Corporate social responsibility

The great transformations that have been occurring in the company in recent years point toward a conception of the company that cannot limit its action only to industrial, commercial or financial aspects, but rather toward another business concept in which the social component occupies a significant place on its scale of values.

AUSA is conscious of this and practices the principles of corporate social responsibility and the code of conduct set out, develops and enriches them continuously.

Principles of corporate social responsibility

AUSA does hereby declare its social commitment and champions compliance with the following principles:

Respect and support:

  • for internationally recognised human rights.
  • for the personal development of children, their health and their dignity.
  • for all their employees equally, regardless of their sex, race, religion, disability, age or sexual preference.
  • for equal opportunities in the selection of personnel.
  • for the principle of equal pay for the same work, regardless of sex.
  • for the right to adequate remuneration.
  • for prudence and fairness in remuneration and occupational conditions.
  • for the training measures for the employees, to make a high level of performance and quality work possible.
  • for safety and the protection of health in the workplace.
  • for the application of similar principles by suppliers and customers.
  • for the increase in the energy efficiency of the installations and other consumption by rationalising the use of resources (energy, water, etc).
  • for professionalism and the commitment to the time frames established and the quality parameters that the customer expects.

Rejection of any form of:

  • forced labour.
  • degrading or offensive behaviour, verbal or physical.

The employees must behave with loyalty and commitment toward the company, contributing to the higher level of quality of the products offered to make it more productive, efficient and competitive and achieve its growth and economic stabilisation.

Each person in their place, favouring talent and merit, within a dynamic and well-defined structure, with training for continuous improvement and implementation of innovative processes.

The employees shall contribute to a positive atmosphere in the workplace.

Code of conduct

I.- Area of application

This code of ethical behaviour shall apply to all people who comprise the company’s workforce and shall regulate dealings between employees and with third-party firms, as well as relationships with official organisations.

II.- General Principles

The basic principle of this code is the commitment of the company to obey and help enforce the current legislation; a requirement for this is a cost-effective long-term management based on principles and values.

Each employee it has the responsibility to know and fulfil the spirit and the content of this code, promising to act with responsibility, honesty and respect for the dignity of people.

All of the managers and directors have the responsibility to ensure their collaborators know this code and comply with its content.

In the event of any doubts as to its application, the employee must inform the Human Resources Management.

III.- Conflict of interest

Relationships with suppliers and customers

  • Employees may not request or accept invitations, gifts or favours.
  • Employees may not request or accept any type of financial provision from suppliers or customers.
  • Employees may only enjoy discounts or other privileges offered by suppliers and customers if they are offered without distinction to all members of the company workforce.
  • When invitations, gifts or favours are refused, the employees must refer to this code of conduct.
  • In the event of doubt regarding how to proceed, consult your immediate superior and the Human Resources Management.

Professional activities

  • Employees not may undertake other gainful occupation without the prior express knowledge of the company management. In any event, it is prohibited to undertake activities that are in conflict of the interests of the company or that may harm one’s performance therein.
    It is allowed and it is considered desirable for employees to collaborate with charities or not-for-profit entities.
  • Employees and their immediate family may not own direct or indirect shares in companies whose activity is competition of the company without the prior knowledge of the company management.



IV.- Internal monitoring

Material means

The work tools of the company and in particular the IT equipment must be used exclusively for business use; their use for personal matters must be avoided.

Protection of property

  • Employees are responsible for the unauthorised access and use of company property, as well as its protection against theft and loss.
  • Employees must maintain the confidentiality of the information generated in the company, both for the duration of the labour relations, and after their completion.
  • The documentation generated in the company is exclusively owned thereby, so it shall be written and kept in compliance with the existing standards in this regard, and its reproduction is categorically prohibited.
  • Employees must comply with all rules regarding the use, access and security of software, IT systems, e-mail, Internet/Intranet and any other system.
  • Employees must observe all of the provisions related to data protection.